Health Gospel Mission Africa (HAGMA) is a non-profit organisation based in Kasese, Uganda. It is committed to improving the health and wellbeing of communities through healthcare, education, and community development programs.

HAGMA aims to provide access to quality healthcare services and to educate communities on the importance of health and wellness. With a focus on rural areas, they provide communities with the knowledge and resources required to maintain a higher quality of life. To achieve this and ensure their projects are sustainable and have lasting impact, they work closely with local partners and communities to focus on improving maternal and child health, disease prevention and water sanitation.

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Current project

Creating Learning Ground for Future Actions on Menstrual Health and Hygiene

This project is committed to trigger transformative change (both physical and psycho-social) impacting the lives of 500 young women and girls in the 10 villages of Kasese region of Western Uganda, by piloting and developing a set of interventions to improve their menstrual health. This will include supporting individuals through investment in menstrual health facilities and by raising awareness to fight against the social taboo associated with menstruation.

HAGMA aim to create a pool of trainers as para-health activists and conduct learning sessions for individuals; foster the adoption of menstrual hygiene practices by adolescent girls and women by supporting the manufacturing and distribution of menstrual hygiene products and creating ad-campaigns in the local area promoting menstrual hygiene practices. Also the project will build links with local institutions working on health issues to further the dialogue through ad campaigns