Those interested in becoming partners must be able to demonstrate to us that they:

1. are grassroots

embedded in their local communities, and consult regularly with them

2. are sustainable

with a strong reputation in their communities

3. are registered

in their country of operation

4. are independent

of other interests

5. do not discriminate

on the basis of gender, religion, disability, or sexual orientation

Proposed projects must meet a pressing community need, be charitable in nature, and promote sustainable outcomes for their beneficiaries.

Typical project areas we have worked with include  vocational skills, digital skills, physical and emotional wellbeing, education, water and sanitation, health, microenterprise, environment, agriculture, horticulture and permaculture, community cohesion and social welfare.

If the above applies to your NGO you would be welcome to apply to become one of our NGO partners – just get in touch via [email protected] – describing your work.

You will be able to join us if we have sufficient capacity (for example volunteers) to be meet your needs.

Would you like to register as a volunteer?

We’re always looking for people who can help make these projects come true.